
Join our team

Thank you for your interest in working with us.
We are now accepting applications for our Spring Season 2025.
Please apply below!

Cafe Servers (part/full time):   *Saturdays are a must!     Shift is 8AM- 3PM
​Ice Cream Servers (part time): *Saturdays/Sundays are a must!

Cafe & Ice-cream Application

Field Trips

Field Trip Request Form

 Teacher Coordinator*

School Name*

What field trip are you requesting?*

 Contact email address*

 How many classrooms will attend?*

Number of teachers?*

Preferred start time*

Will you be using our picnic area?*

Any allergies we should be aware of?

 Contact cell phone*

School phone*

Type of group*

Grade Level*

 # of students (*minimum of 20 paying participants)*

# of parents/chaperons*

 Top 3 date choices*

Comments / Questions?

first visit to Strawberry Hill?*

Field Trips

Thank you for submitting!
We will be in touch soon.

join our team

Thank you for submitting!
We will be in touch soon.

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