
Spring School
 Field Trips

We require a minimum of 20 paying participants (students) for school field trips. If your school or nursery has less than 20 paying participants (students), it is possible for us to combine you with a larger group. Please call for availability (864) 461-3000. 

Field Trip Dates: April 16 - May 16, 2025
Tuesday-Friday for prescheduled school groups
*Mondays are reserved for rain make-up days

Field trip cost: $14 per student or chaperone/ siblings.

*Two teachers per class of 20- NO CHARGE FOR TOUR
*For Homeschool groups, no charge for 1 organizing teacher.

*Please note that any parents or siblings that attend field trip will be charge admission of $14. Parents/siblings must have a ticket before loading onto wagon. *NO EXCEPTIONS

You will begin your field trip at Strawberry Hill with our lesson on the plant lifecycle and the process of growing berries.  After your lesson, we will load onto the tractor-drawn wagon for a guided tour of the farm. Students will catch a glimpse of our strawberry & peach crops as they ride! They will also get a first hand view of our irrigation pond. Students will get off of the wagon to pick a few strawberries for tasting during this time.
Students will learn about plant science, including:
• Basic needs of a strawberry plant
• Life cycle and structure of a strawberry plant
• Weather effects, including seasonal changes on a farm
• Importance of pollination & use of honey bees
• Relevance of irrigation system
• Different jobs in agriculture

Field Trip cost includes wagon ride,
educational tour of farm,
pint of strawberries to take home,
educational coloring book, &
a scoop of homemade strawberry,
vanilla or chocolate ice-cream.

For additional questions, please contact us at
(864) 461-3000

what to expect


Field Trip Registration

Contact Us

Cafe & Ice Cream

Roadside Market


The Shed
at Cooley Farms 

cafe hours: MON. - SAT. 6 A.M. - 2:30 P.M. (cafe & ice-cream closed sundays)
Ice-cream: Mon.-sat. 11 A.M. - 6 P.M. 
                   Sundays 12-6 P.M.


Email Address*

Last Name

First Name


Cafe & Ice Cream  

Mon.-Sat. 10 A.M. - 7 P.M.
Sundays 1-7 P.M.

117 Nancy Creek Road, Gaffney, SC 29341

Mon.-Sat. 6 A.M. - 2:30 P.M. | Closed Sundays 
Ice-cream: Mon.-Sat. 11 A.M.-6 P.M.  | Sundays 12-6 P.M.

3097 Hwy 11 W, Chesnee, SC 29323

3092 Hwy 11 West,  Chesnee, SC 29323

Roadside Market

The Shed
at Cooley Farms 

 (864) 461-4000

 (864) 649-1414

(864) 461-7225

Opening April 15 for the season!

We'll be in touch soon!

Thank you!

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